What are the best treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome?

What Are The Best Treatment Options For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Physical Therapy should be part of your recovery from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In physical therapy you will get exercises to help decrease your pain. And you will get information and exercises to help improve your posture and ergonomic set up (a contributing factor).

My “go to” exercise for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Tendon Glides. Perform these in this order as indicated. It will help free up the nerve through the carpal tunnel. You should not feel any increase in your symptoms while performing these glides.


Manual therapy for Carpal Tunnel will focus on improving mobility all along the pathway of the nerve. Sometimes it’s local to the wrist and forearm, and often we need to treat all the way to origin of the nerve (which is the neck).

Other exercises you’ll get will likely focus on posture and arm/ shoulder strength. We will also help you fix any posture or ergonomic issues that may have contributed to your injury.

—Korey Pieper, DPT, OCS