Will You Benefit From a TeleRehab Visit?

Will You Benefit From a TeleRehab Visit?

The first time I used Tele Medicine, we were on vacation in Hawaii. My daughter woke up with a red, goopy, itchy eye. We searched for an urgent care online. Then my husband remembered that we had this new thing called Tele Medicine through our insurance. Within an hour, we had sent pictures to the doctor, she confirmed it was likely pink eye, sent a prescription to the local pharmacy, and we were off to pick up the drops. 

Until this Covid-19 crisis, Tele Medicine was not a large part of physical therapy practice. In fact, I dismissed the idea without putting much thought into it.

But these days I don’t know anyone who hasn’t used some sort of video conferencing. Whether it’s with your parents on FaceTime, your grandkids on Facebook Messenger, or your kids having Zoom lessons with their teacher… We all have a new reality which involves a whole lot more technology than we used a few months ago! 

Tele Rehab may actually become the new thing in physical therapy. So many people are too busy to slow down and take proper care of themselves. People commute to SF and beyond, and can’t take the time off to come to the office. So Tele Rehab could stick around longer than the Corona Virus, as a way to bridge the gap between manual therapy appointments. To keep you on track with your exercises, to hold you accountable for the things you know you should be doing to help yourself!

Even the insurance companies have decided that it’s much better for people to have access to physical therapy, than to suffer with pain- or even worse, clog up doctor’s offices and urgent care with their pain

See what some of our patients have been saying about their E-Visits…

“So glad we were able to do this e-visit. Now you can see exactly how I am doing my exercises at home. And it really helped to have you give me some pointers so I can do them better!”

“I am afraid to leave my house right now. But my neck has been bothering me so much. But just after the exercises you gave me the other day, I am already feeling so much better! Obviously, I can’t wait to come back into the office, but it’s so great to know that this is an option right now.”

“I was skeptical at first. How could this help me? But it’s been a great reminder of what exercises I should be doing.” 

If you have any questions about whether you would be appropriate for TeleRehab, call the office (925) 977-9300 or email gobeyond@gobeyondphysicaltherapy.com