Workout Wednesday - Calf Stretch

Workout Wednesday - Calf Stretch

This week’s workout Wednesday is a calf stretch. Do this AFTER you workout to lengthen this muscle group. Tight calves can impact your ability to walk, climb hills, and squat. But if you perform static stretching before your workout, it can negatively effect your body’s ability to create power.

Should you get surgery for a ruptured achilles?

Should You Get Surgery For A Ruptured Achilles Tendon?

The New England Journal Of Medicine recently published an article that may change the way we treat Achilles ruptures. They took 554 patients during the years 2013 and 2018 with ruptured Achilles tendons. They were all casted in plantar flexion within 72 hours of injury. They were then divided into 3 groups. One group received open-repair surgery, another received “minimally invasive” surgery, and the third group did not receive surgery.

At 12 months after injury, there was no significant difference in the 100-point Achilles’ tendon Total Rupture Score among the 3 groups.